...can YOU?
Yes, YOU can!
We ALL can, insha'Allah.
It all starts with a dream. So dream it and dream it clear - with all the bright colours, all the sounds, all the smells and all the tastes. Make the dream so clear that you can see it even with your eyes open - when walking, when talking - see it as clear as ice.
Believe it - plant the seed of belief in your hearts and water it each day with hope, prayers and conviction - nurture it and make sure you don't neglect it - for neglect will lead to shattered dreams but nurturing with lead to firm conviction - such conviction that it won't shake you, it won't break you - but it will make you who you want to be!
Achieve it - each day, each moment, dream your dream, believe it will happen and work on it to achieve it - write a plan now and each day take that one step towards making it a living reality.
But remember - only YOU can make YOUR dream a living reality for it says in the Qur'an; 'Allah does not change a condition of a people until they change it themselves'.
The help of Allah is right with you - 24/7, however if YOU don't take that first step - then nothing will happen.
So, 'Dream It, Believe It, and go out there into the big world and Achieve it!'