I'm working on my thesis for my Masters Degree - LLM International Human Rights - (due in Wednesday 6th July 2011 - duas please) and I thought I would share something short, sweet yet very inspiring and profound (thesis is on education).
Learning really is fun! It's not just restricted to formal schooling, but our whole life is one big learning experience - the good, the bad and the not so good! There's so may 'life lessons' to learn and implement - and then we pass on our knowledge to those around us, young and old - so they don't make the same mistakes as us or again, are inspired - just the way we are.
Knowledge should become our best friend! We should make dua to Allah (swt) that He blesses us with knowledge which firstly benefits us and then we apply it and lastly we pass on our knowledge to everyone else. I mean, what fun is it to learn and gain knowledge when we will never apply it or use it? Its wrong and useless and we miss out on the great opportunities life has in store for us and we miss out on being empowered by learning knowledge and implementing it.
Imagine you're at the beach - a remote beach, far away from 'normal' civilization - like you're on an expedition or something (yes, I'm still thinking about the beach, even though I went couple of weeks ago - and in fact another beach trip is on its way in two weeks!) and you suddenly come across a big box - a shining box - an ancient box and you go up to it and look at it, touch it and are at awe! You try to open it, but realise its locked - it has a big, bulky, lock - but wait - no key?
You frantically start looking around - digging the warm, golden sand with your hands and lo behold you find the key and with that massive grin on your face you rush back to the big, shining, ancient, box. You pop the key in the lock and...*click* - you open it - and then open the heavy lid and inside....WOW!!!...inside you find all the treasures you have always been looking for...all the Knowledge you ever wanted to learn and be empowered by!
How does that feel? :)
This life is a journey - so spend it in the good - learn all the knowledge you will need to implement to be empowered to lock the dormant treasures within you to live the best life YOU were created to live! Allah made you a treasure amongst treasures, a gem amongst gems, a diamond amongst diamonds!
I have a deadline to make - so I'm off! keep me in your duas (prayers) as you're in mine and I leave you with this Chinese Proverb;
***"Learning is a Treasure that will Follow its Owner Everywhere."***
Make sure YOU always keep your treasure close to you! :)
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