...On Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th of September (2011) I attended a course by AlKauthar Institute called; 'Heart Therapy'.
It's all about the 'Purification of the Soul'.
An extremely intense yet brilliant course and I hope that there is a follow up course as there is so much to learn subhan'Allah!
Hopefully once I have passed the exam I will be creating and designing a short course for 'We Be Inspired' - to give all the wbi'ers some 'Soulful Therapy' - something which is much needed - for all of us!
In this short reflection piece I will just touch on one point. As you can appreciate it was an intense two day course and there is so much to cover and tell you all about. So join 'We Be Inspired' today and you will be kept up to date when the course is launched - you wont want to miss it! :)
How do we treat others? Are we always good? Or do we sometimes bicker and fight?
And what happens when we have issues - do we blame God? Do we say; 'Oh, God doesn't love me - why is He always testing me - why ME?!'
We've all heard that, 'what goes around, comes around!'
Well, a fundamental point that we learnt at the course which the Sheikh kept repeating until the very last minute on Sunday was....

'The Way You Treat Others Is The Way God Will Treat You!!!'
Please read that statement again.
OK, now read it again!
***Reflection Moment***
Wow! Is THAT powerful or what?
The way we treat others is the way Allah will treat us!
Now let's reflect again and let's ask ourselves - how do we treat others? And why do we treat others the way we do? So then why do we blame Allah for our situations and circumstances?
Allah is Most Merciful, the Most Just!
This statement has a profound effect on me every time I think about it.
I hope it's beneficial for you and it will help you in your journey in this world.
I will leave you with the following hadith...
"Verily, there is in the body a small piece of flesh; if it is good the whole body is good and if it is corrupted the whole body is corrupted. Verily! it is the heart."