Ramadan brings us such peace and serenity. Everyone around us (ok, almost everyone) is continuously fasting, praying, attending mosque, halaqahs, etc. The Qur'an can be heard everywhere and everyone is rushing to finish theirs in a whole month.
***There's something about Ramadan!***
But what we fail to understand is that every moment, every hour, every day, every month and every year is as special as Ramadan!
Ramadan is a 'Training-month' for us. Just like you would go to your new job and you would be given training. I mean, how can you perform a job when you don't know how to?!
Exactly that! Ramadan trains us for the whole year ahead.
However for many, for whatever reason, its 30 days and then khalas - that's it! And many fall into despair - because they can't 'feel' that feeling they hand in Ramadan.
***Ever Felt That?***
Well despair no more, because by the will of Allah 'We Be Inspired' is bringing you a post-Ramadan 8 Day mini-email course for FREE which will help YOU stay spiritually-high 24/7-365, insha'Allah!
Free email course starts on Monday 3rd October to Monday 10th October 2011 and to receive YOUR free emails please sign-up at the website http://www.webeinspired.com/
You can still download the FREE Ramadan eBook, 'Last 10 Inspirations'. Go to the website, then follow the tabs (second one), click on 'about', then go to subsection, 'services and products' and then click on the sub-sub section, 'Ramadan 2011' and there its waiting for you! The eBook and the Last 10 in there will help you beyond Ramadan. So download the eBook and it will give you a head start for the post-Ramadan mini-email series insha'Allah.
Follow 'We Be Inspired' on Twitter ---> http://www.twitter.com/webeinspired
Facebook Page is also launching later today insha'Allah.
To sign-up for the post-Ramadan emails, go here ---> http://www.webeinspired.com/
To your Inspiration and Beyond insha'Allah!
We Be Inspired - One Life, One Chance, One Vision™
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