...Because Allah is always with you - protecting you - so pledge you're allegiance to Him (swt)!
Just because the devils are chained during the month of Ramadan - doesn't mean our kareen is locked up! He's still whispering away. And he whispers so much that, if we end up listening to him - and on a continuous basis - then it becomes part of us - we start accepting it as for real and start acting upon it - and soon we mess up our soul so much that we start becoming evil and acting evil - in all our ways!
Now is the time - Ramadan - a spiritual uplifting time - to reconnect with Allah (swt), to fix up our ibaadah, to plan for our lives - here and akhirah, get those troubles shooted and ourselves back on track!
Make sure that when the devil returns you're strong enough to stand up to him - because you pledge allegiance to Allah!
I will leave you with this following note that my friend shared on her facebook status. Feel free to share with all! And Happy Ramadaning! (:
"...God doesn't have a Blackberry or an iPhone, but He is my favourite contact. He doesn't have Facebook, but He is my best friend. He doesn't have Twitter, but I follow Him, and He doesn't have internet, but I am connected to Him. And even if He has a great communication service, his customer service never puts me on hold. Copy and paste this as your status if you think GOD is GREAT..."
Nice one turbo..thnx for the good advice...may Allah accept all our siyam & prayers.