Wednesday 7 January 2009

turBo will be back in full flow soon...oh and Happy Muharram 1430 AH & Happy New Year 2k9 all stumbling across - welcome. Hope you enjoy reading the last two blogs, and yes they are 'sooo last year' but i really haven't been well at all which has affected my thinking capacity to - well - think really. Because when i think, i write, and when i write i endeavour to make sense (i try!).

But whilst i recover i would like to pass on my dua's (prayers) to all and hope the New Year (whichever you're celebrating) will bring you goodness and new challenges which will strengthen your souls and bring you closer to the Divine.

Remember "Allah Burdens not a person beyond his scope" Surah 2; V 285-286 - He knows we can handle it, and with the right faith and the right people in our lives we will truly succeed in this world and the next.
Do leave your feedback - and keep me in your prayers (i have soooo much study to catch up on!) and remember all those suffering hardship and oppression across the globe - and especially those in Gaza right now - may the war end soon, ameen!
I will be back!

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