Monday 28 June 2010

1GOAL Education For All

One of the basic rights all human beings should have is 'Education for all' - free education at both the elementary and secondary stages. However, this is not always the case across the globe today. Children are still deprived from receiving education for more than one reason - and therefore I believe that collectively there is more than one reason why we should support educational groups and organisations wholeheartedly - and even get involved ourselves - on fundraising, projects, activities etc - to raise awareness and to make a change.

My Masters degree thesis is on 'Children's Right and Education'. I'm very passionate about learning, reading and writing and when I got a text message (sms) on my mobile asking me to sign up for a new educational campaign - naturally I did - and forwarded that text message on to all my contacts.

I visited their website - and joined again! (that's how passionate I was!) - fantastic project, fantastic work and YOU can get involved!

Have you heard about it? It's called '1Goal Education for All'. In keeping up with the World Cup spirit a fantastic bunch of people from across the globe came together and put together this new initiative.

If you woke up this morning thinking, 'what shall I do today, I wish to make a difference in the world I live in' - then your answer for today is '1Goal Education for All'.

Check out their website and be part of this new and dynamic initiative - you never know who's life you may touch today - and you could make that difference which you were wishing for!

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